Thursday, April 29, 2010

What's it Worth Wednesday - Results!

Here is the result for this week's "What's it Worth Wednesday".  Grand total of $15.34 with tax for everything in the picture and 4 jugs of cat litter. 

Do you have a great deal with a picture to share?  If so, link up!



SugarKitties said...

Actually my guess was closest as to me What It's Worth means retail value. This wasn't really made clear, and the way it was posed implied "retail value."

Mommy Octopus said...

I'm sorry it wasn't explained well last night. I updated it from my phone after an exhausting day. The way we play is guessing how much I paid after tax, coupons, etc. It would be simple for most people to guess the full retail value, but with coupons and tax, you never know what coupons I have used. I hope you will play again next week with us. Have a great day.

Anonymous said...

I had an awesome week on buys last week. I had a 115.00 savings and a final total of 12.50.... Pretty crazy.